Summary: Twenty high schools in Rhode Island were chosen to participate in the study. A total of 2,000 students participated in the intervention and a total of 1,901 participated in the control group. The intervention group participated in an online teen dating violence prevention program entitled, Teen Choices. The lessons included text, images, video, and audio. The lessons were also tailored specifically to each user based on their pretest responses. Participants were assigned to one of the following categories: high risk victims, high risk daters, low-risk daters, high-risk non daters, and low risk non daters. Lessons for every category, except the high-risk victims group, focused on five healthy relationship skills that included step-by-step guidance and explanatory/scenario videos. The findings from this study showed that the Teen Choices program was effective at decreasing all types of dating violence (emotional victimization, emotional perpetration, physical victimization, and physical perpetration) at 6-month and 12-month follow-up assessments.
Application/Evaluation: An evaluation was conducted at six months and one year post intervention.
Limitations: The majority (82%) of the study participants identified as Caucasian and the study was representative of the population of Rhode Island but not of the greater United States.